阿里巴巴普惠体 下载地址(免费商用) 作者: Chuwen 时间: 2019-08-30 分类: 谈天说地 # 阿⾥里里巴巴普惠体法律律条款声明 1. 阿⾥巴巴普惠体(中⽂字体,指定5款字重),Alibaba Sans(⻄⽂字体,指定11款字重),以下合称阿⾥巴巴字体,允许任何个⼈和企业免费使用,包括商⽤用途,但禁止⽤于违法⽤用途。 2. 阿⾥巴巴字体版权归属阿⾥巴巴(中国)有限公司,未经授权,任何人和第三⽅方媒介不得上传、发布、转载字体⽂件,禁⽌售卖,违者必究。 3. 为确保字体⽂件不被篡改,保障⽤户可以安全使用,请务必从阿里巴巴字体官方指定通道下载。 ## ⾯向海海外⽤用户: 1). Alibaba ICS (海外用户,不需帐户登⼊入): https://ics.alibaba.com/font/alibaba-sans ## ⾯面向国内⽤用户: 2). Alibaba ICS (国内⽤户)需淘宝帐户登⼊入:https://ics.alibaba.com/project/Hn8mXx 3).商家服务市场(淘宝天猫商家 & 淘宝⽤户)需淘宝帐号:Alibabafont.taobao.com --- # Law Policy for Alibaba Sans 1. Alibaba Sans has a Chinese language of 5 characters and a Western language of 11 characters. Allow any individual and business to use for free, including commercial use, However, it is forbidden to be used for illegal purposes. 2. Alibaba Sans copyright belongs to Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd., and any person and third-party media may not upload, post or reprint font files without permission. Infringement. 3. To ensure that the font file is not tampering, to ensure that users can use it safely, Please be sure to download from the official channel designated by Alibaba. 标签: 阿里巴巴, 字体